Becoming The Self Taught Coder

Self Taught Coder

Have you ever wanted to know how to code, but don’t know where to start? Here are a few great resources to help you dive right in. Continue Reading

How To Be Awesome At Setting Goals

Setting Goals Title

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C. S. Lewis Setting goals seems easy enough, right? Think of some things you want to accomplish, then do those things. However there is actually… Continue Reading

RGB Color Generator


Hey guys, I have been working on improving my Javascript lately, and wanted to share a side project I have been tinkering with. I am usually pretty indecisive when choosing colors for project designs and thought I would build something… Continue Reading

On Failure: Why Falling Down Is Important


“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” -Theodore Roosevelt, The Strenuous Life, 1899 I have been thinking about writing on this topic for a few weeks and today felt the best to transform… Continue Reading

Don’t Follow Your Passion


Recently I talked with a few friends about passion and motivation in relation to work. After already being on my mind, almost serendipitously, I stumbled across a blog post that was relevant to our discussion. The post is from a blog… Continue Reading

The Power of Clean Code


The state of your code can say a lot to about the programmer. Continue Reading

HTML, CSS & The Tardis

The Tardis Co.

I decided that I could have a little fun and created the site using HTML, CSS and the Bootstrap framework. Continue Reading

4 Reasons I (You) Want A Personal Blog

William Faulkner Quote

I have always wanted a blog I would consistently write in, and never quite got to the consistency part. I think I may have been trying too hard to find some obscure niche, or force an audience, or maybe a… Continue Reading